Saturday, February 1, 2014

Understanding by Design Lesson: Self Portrait in the Style of Another Artist

Self Portrait in the style of Rosalba Carriera

Self Portrait in the Style of Another Artist

Stage 1: Desired Results

Established Goals:
1. Select a self portrait by another artist. Using that artist’s style and medium, create a self portrait.
2. Do research on the life and times of the selected artist and present it to the class.
3. Explore and articulate why you chose this particular artist.
4. Learn more about the history of portrait painting and drawing.
Students will understand that:
1. different artists will speak to them and that others will not.
2. how to interpret another artist’s style.
3. how to present their work and the history of their artist to their peers in a way that creates meaning for everyone.
Essential Question(s)
1. Why do artists do self portraits?
2. What makes a self portrait different than other portraits?
3. Is self portrait more autobiographical than other works by the same artist?
4. Why would you do a self portrait?
Three self portraits in the style of Andy Warhol

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Performance tasks
1. Select a self portrait by another artist and do your own self portrait in the same style and medium.
2. Research a brief history of the life and times of the artist chosen and present it and your work to the class.
Other Evidence
1. Students will create an interesting and provocative self portrait.
2. Students can explain what they are doing and critique each others’ work.
3. Students will be excited about displaying their work.
Allison and her self portrait after winning the Congressional Show

Stage 3: Learning Plan
Learning Activities
1. Students will have various self portrait books and the internet to peruse to pick an artist.
2. Students will work in the style of that artist while painting or drawing themselves.
3. Have students ask the group for help on specific concerns.
4. Presentation to the class at the end of the process.

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